EAAS Clearance Levels
Posted By Sayaka on August 2, 2023
Updated on November 23, 2023
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The Importance of Security

EAAS is the backbone of Tribute of the Talon (ToTT), an intergalactic organization that prides itself on spreading otherworldly knowledge to planets all across the universe. However, like any organization of this caliber, a system had to be implemented to ensure that the data stored in EAAS was well-protected and only shared among trusted employees. 

Let's illuminate this further. EAAS is a multipurpose-multifunctional system that uses a lot of complex technology (its software originates from Thameval (?) to be exact). Anything from energy blasters to information about Terran botanical care is stored in EAAS' massive database.

A Dangerous Benefit

Here's the crux. Say an organized group of intelligent scavengers manage to exploit EAAS. They use its databank to search for blueprints of catastrophic, star-powered weapons, and begin destroying whole planets one by one. For other planets, the data found in EAAS could be light-years ahead of their current capabilities, disrupting the natural flow of progress.

Get it now? If EAAS is EVER placed in the wrong hands, we're talking about complete chaos and war. Of course, EAAS is equipped with technological, magical, and linguistical protections that make it virtually impossible to breach. Still, you can never be too careful.

The Security Clearance Hierarchy

ToTT currently possesses 5 different levels of EAAS security, each with their own roles, permissions, and licenses. Since EAAS is a discrete system, any and all security clearances have to be awarded to the chosen individual. None of them can be earned.

Below is the current hierarchy (ranked from highest to lowest). We'll discuss each clearance level in detail in the next section. 

Fun fact: Each security clearance is named after a dragon!

⛊  Irthos Clearance (Highest) 

Irthos (pronounced UR-thohs), or Level 1 clearance, is the highest EAAS clearance an individual can receive. 

1. Awarding Party & Statistics
Irthos clearances can only be awarded by members of the Elite Team, with Irthos holders encompassing less than 1 percent of the entire universal population. No one knows how to receive one, as the process is very secretive and selective. 

2. Title & Permissions
Irthos holders are typically known as administrators at ToTT, and none of the lower clearance holders are aware of what it is they really do. What they do know, however, is that they're given full, unrestricted access to top secret data, all classified documents, and even personal records of each Elite Team member. Talk about trust, am I right?

3. Main Tasks
Administrative tasks primarily include: EAAS operations, management of staff lower than Level 1, creates ToTT publications, coordinates directly with the Elite Team, etc.

  Exodius Clearance (Second Highest)

Exodius (pronounced ek-SOH-dee-us), or Level 2 clearance, is the second highest EAAS clearance an individual can receive. 

1. Awarding Party & Statistics
Exodius clearances can be awarded by Elite Team members or administrators with approval by a member of the Elite Team. They make up about 2.5 percent of the entire universal population.

2. Title & Permissions
Like administrators, Exodius holders handle a lot of EAAS operations, but in the secret sector. In other words, they are only given access to records that rank below top secret. They're typically known throughout the database as supervisors.

3. Main Tasks
Supervising tasks primarily include: Main EAAS operations, management of staff lower than level 2, creates ToTT publications, often coordinates with administrators; given full access to secret information.

  Zephyrus Clearance (Mid-Level Highest)

Zephyrus (pronounced ZEF-uh-rus), or Level 3 clearance, is the third highest EAAS clearance an individual can receive. 

1. Awarding Party & Statistics
Zephyrus clearances can be awarded by Elite Team members, administrators without approval, or supervisors with approval by an administrator. They make up an estimated 5 percent of the entire universal population.

2. Title & Permissions
Zephyrus holders handle minimal EAAS operations and are only given access to high-level confidential information. In other words, they are only given access to records that rank below secret information. They focus more on managerial and organizational tasks, like keeping documents up-to-date and overseeing/training new employees. They're typically known throughout ToTT as officers.

3. Main Tasks
Managerial tasks primarily include: Management of staff lower than level 3, ToTT documentation and training, often coordinates with supervisors; given full access to high-level confidential information.

⛊  Irlon Clearance (Fourth Highest)

Irlon (pronounced ER-lawn), or Level 4 clearance, is the fourth highest EAAS clearance an individual can receive. 

1. Awarding Party & Statistics
Irlon clearances can be awarded by Elite Team members, administrators without approval, or supervisors without approval. They account for 7 percent of the universal population.

2. Title & Permissions
Irlon holders are known as specialists because each person specializes in a different area of expertise. In terms of personnel, this is by far the most diverse group of employees in the entire EAAS hierarchy. Their tasks can vary (from software maintenance to bookkeeping), with a focus on clerical duties rather than administrative ones. They are also given access to low-level confidential information.

3. Main Tasks
Tasks are specialized and typically vary; given full access to low-level confidential information.

 Nyndron Clearance (Lowest)

Nyndron (pronounced NIN-drawn), or Level 5 clearance, is the lowest EAAS clearance an individual can receive. 

1. Awarding Party & Statistics
Nyndron clearances can be awarded by Elite Team members, administrators without approval, or supervisors without approval. They make up 10 percent of the universal population.

2. Title & Permissions
Nyndron holders have limited, restricted access to the database and typically perform supportive tasks for the higher levels (mostly for specialists). Because of this, they're known as assistants. Nyndron holders are also the primary customer support attendants for ToTT and are responsible for responding to the majority of user inquiries.

3. Main Tasks
Assistive tasks primarily include: ToTT user response, customer support, often coordinates and supports the higher levels; given restricted access to the database.

An Oath of Service

"In the intricate web of our EAAS intergalactic database, every individual, regardless of their rank or clearance level, weaves an essential thread that contributes to the tapestry of our success. Our structure is not just defined by the titles we hold, but by the dedication, expertise, and collaboration that each member brings to the table.

From the vigilant Administrators at the pinnacle of our security pyramid, to the meticulous Supervisors, the vigilant Officers, the skilled Specialists, and the dedicated Assistants, every role is vital. The Administrators' strategic guidance is empowered by the Supervisors' attention to detail, while the Officers' diligence complements the Specialists' precision, and the Assistants' support underpins the entire foundation.

Each task completed, every piece of information handled, and every security measure upheld is a testament to the unified efforts of every individual. The strength of our database doesn't solely rest on the shoulders of a few; it's a shared responsibility that collectively safeguards the integrity and functionality of EAAS."

Additional Reading