Types of Magic
Posted By Sayaka on August 25, 2023
Updated on August 30, 2023
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Magic Comes in Many Forms

Magic, the enchanting force that defies the boundaries of the ordinary world, manifests itself in a myriad of forms that traverse the realms of imagination and mysticism. From the subtle weaving of spells to the grandiose conjuring of elemental forces, the concept of magic is as diverse as the human imagination itself. 

In this article, we'll explore the basic classifications of magic (there are five general ones). Keep in mind, there are other ways to categorize them.

Arcane Magic 

This category is often associated with the direct manipulation of energy. This type of magic is sometimes described as the most “pure” among the others. Some examples include, but are not limited to: elemental magic (manipulation of the elements), transmutation magic (manipulation of a target’s properties or characteristics), and conjuration magic (the summoning of objects, creatures, or other phenomena). See example >

Divine Magic 

This category includes calling upon divine forces or deities to achieve certain goals. Some common examples include, are not limited to: healing magic (using divine forces to restore the vitality of organisms), protection magic (using divine forces to provide physical or magical protections), and blessing magic (using divine forces to bestow blessings of good fortune on others). See example >

Psychic Magic 

This category involves using the mind to influence the physical world. Some common examples include, but are not limited to: telekinesis (moving objects using the mind), telepathy (reading people’s thoughts and communicating mentally with other telepaths), and precognition (seeing into the future or predicting upcoming events). See example >

Primal Magic 

This category is often associated with a connection to the natural world, focusing on the spirits of animals, plants, and other natural elements. Some common examples include, but are not limited to: shapeshifting (transforming into an animal, usually one the magic user has a spiritual connection to), lunar magic (drawing power from the phases of the moon), and atmokinesis (mentally manipulating or controlling the weather). See example >

Occult Magic 

This category refers to dark magic that involves the direct manipulation of supernatural or paranormal forces. Some common examples include, but are not limited to: necromancy (communicating with the dead, sometimes to predict future occurrences or to gain personal desires), blood magic (using one's own blood or the blood of others as a source of power for casting spells), and shadow magic (using the darkness to create illusive or deceptive constructs). See example >