Associated Files
> B1.801-Lee-Bella.html (Bio)
> D2.802-Lee-Bella.pdf (Data as .pdf / Locked)
Elite Team Ranking ▸ 6
Arcane → 16.2 / Strength → 10.0 / Intellect → 17.8 / Endurance → 19.9 / Vigor → 11.6
Average Score → 15.1
Stats represented on a 1–20 scale.
Character Credit
Bella Lee is represented by the character, Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, in the anime "Gakusen Toshi Asterisk" (Asterisk War).
Roleplay Name
The character's full name is Bella Lee. The name is an original pick.
Race, Gender and Species
Bella is American.
Bella is a superhuman female (♀).
Sexual Orientation
Bella is aromantic.
Birthdate, Age, and Origin
Bella was born on May 25, 2014. She is currently 20 years old.
Her place of origin is Planet Earth. (See Documents — Planet Motifs)
Her astrological sign is Gemini (♊︎).
Familial Relations
Bella's parents are presumed dead.
She does not have any known siblings.
Code Name and Transformation(s)
Bella is universally and generally known as Rogue.
She only has one ultimate form.
Bella's technomatic transformation, categorized by her extraordinary speed, durability, and agility. She usually provided magical support to Cassie and Sayaka while in battle, especially in the presence of two or more larger enemies. (See .gif)
Known Languages
English · (Python · Java · C++ · HTML)
Main Character Traits
Sarcastic · Lazy · Juvenile · Clever · Foodie
Strengths and Weaknesses
Bella excels in speed, conjuration, and technomancy. She also has extensive knowledge of the technological sciences.
Unfortunately, Bella's sarcastic personality made her quickly distracted and less prone to take situations seriously. This sometimes caused her to become unreliable.
She was also infamous for playing pranks on her friends, especially on Sayaka. Even when urged to desist, Bella's childishness continued to provoke unrest within the Team. Sayaka understood that Bella grew up without siblings and excused most of these antics.
Bella does not have a love interest.
Her closest companions are Sayaka and Cassie. (See Sayaka Yagami, Cassie Brylee)
Favorite Color(s)